Character Breakdown
WHIZZER: Male Presenting, Any Race/Ethnicity; Tenor (E3-C5); 20s-30s; Extremely handsome, athletic, and confident. Has a turbulent relationship with MARVIN.
MARVIN: Male presenting, Any Race/Ethnicity; High Baritone (C3-A#4/Bb4); 30’s-40’s; Jewish. Ex-husband to TRINA, devoted father to JASON and is smart, funny, and charming. He struggles to reconcile his desire for a happy traditional family with his love for WHIZZER.
TRINA: Female presenting, Any Race/Ethnicity; Soprano/Belt (B3- E5); 30’s- 40’s; Jewish. Wife to MARVIN, Mother to JASON. Charmingly neurotic in her effort to understand her conflicting feelings in the aftermath of her divorce. She consults MENDEL, her husband’s psychiatrist, and eventually marries him.
MENDEL: Male Presenting, Any Race/Ethnicity; High Baritone (C3-B4); 30s- 40s; Jewish. MARVIN’s psychiatrist –marries TRINA and enters into the tumultuous world of her life with her son, her ex, and her ex’s lover while struggling with his own feelings.
JASON: Young Boy Presenting (could be played by a Young Girl), Any Race/Ethnicity; Tenor (G3-D5); 10-15; Jewish. MARVIN’s and TRINA’s son – bookish and awkward – Jason’s impending Bar Mitzvah, his parent’s divorce, and the entrance of WHIZZER into his life leave him confused, angry, and trying to sort it all out.
CHARLOTTE: Female Presenting; Any Race/Ethnicity; Mezzo-Soprano (F3-F5); 30’s; One of the ‘lesbians from next door’ – Charlotte is a dedicated doctor alarmed by the mysterious illness killing her gay male patients. Tough, but extremely nurturing, and in love with her partner, CORDELIA.
CORDELIA: Female Presenting; Any Race/Ethnicity; Mezzo-Soprano (A3-E5); 20’s-30’s; The other ‘lesbian from next door’ – Cordelia is CHARLOTTE’s partner – she runs her own kosher catering business, and is very keen on making a nice home– but also wants to be useful and valued for her contribution to the world.